Week 1: Introductions

The IDEAL Leaders Association would like to welcome you, both prospective and returning members, to the new academic year. To start the year, we will be having an orientation meeting introducing what our organization is all about: building leadership through public speaking, teamwork, and critical thinking. We will also discuss the exciting social events we … [Read more…]

Week 5: Interview – Professionalism in Person

Happy Week 5! For this week’s meeting, we will continue our career building workshops by focusing on individual interviews. The interview is an important stage of job searching since it conveys both your personality and your professionalism to recruiters. To represent yourself in the best way possible, you have to be articulate, confident, and deliberate … [Read more…]

Week 4: Resume – Professionalism on Paper

Happy Week 4! We hope midterms have not exhausted you too much to enjoy this week’s resume workshop! A resume is the first impression you make on a recruiter. Come and learn the secrets to a successful resume: -Making your qualifications seem relevant to the position -Maintaining professionalism while standing out from others -Being concise … [Read more…]

Week 2: Persuasion

Happy Week 2, IDEALers. For this week’s general meeting, we will be introducing our IFam program: a unique chance to improve your leadership and public speaking skills outside of our general meetings, within a small group directed by one of our trained leaders. Bond with your fellow members as you would in a true family–through … [Read more…]

Week 1: Brainstorming

Welcome to the first week of the academic year. We hope everyone has enjoyed their long summer break and is refreshed for the fall quarter. To kick off this week, we will be hosting an orientation meeting for prospective and returning IDEAL members during which we will reintroduce what our organization is about — building … [Read more…]