Week 5: Engaging the Audience With Powerful Storytelling

This week’s meeting is on Monday, April 27, from 5:00-5:50 PM at Ackerman 3516. The topic this week is Engaging the Audience: Powerful Storytelling. Interesting speeches are often supported by personal stories or links. Some people have led dramatic lives, surviving near-death experiences, but most of us haven’t. That doesn’t mean you don’t have interesting and … [Read more…]

Week 4: Elevate Your Speech With Hand Gestures

I hope you all enjoyed the 5th Annual Bruin Speech Contest last Wednesday! This week’s meeting is on Monday, April 20, from 5:00-5:50 PM at Ackerman 3516. The topic this week is to Elevate Your Speech With Hand Gestures. Hand gestures are an important tool in public speaking as they can accentuate important points and … [Read more…]

Week 3: Self-Marketing For Your Dream Job

Great to see so many great presentations during the last meeting! Keep it up! Our next meeting is this Monday, April 13, still from 5:00-5:50 PM at Ackerman 3516. The topic this week is Self-Marketing For Your Dream Job. A compelling self-introduction is often considered very important for networking and interviews. Your self introduction should … [Read more…]

Welcome Back Returning Members!

  Welcome back! We hope that you enjoyed your Spring Break! Our first meeting is this Monday, April 6, from 5:00-5:50 PM at Ackerman 3516. The topic this week is Apps: Lens of User Experience. As usual, we will split into groups and each group will be assigned an app of their choice and analyze … [Read more…]